Wednesday, August 19, 2015

Alrighty then! This is my blog, BraveWingsSheFlies' first blog entry! Hope it serves as an inspiration to those who read it!
I'm guessing you would like to know a little bit about me, I mean I would if I was reading someone's weightloss journey. Like, "Who is this chick and why?" Well, I'll tell you, just so we get to know each other a little bit better.
My name is Angel, I live in Huntington Beach California and I have a dog named Bruce. Hmmm, I wonder what else you need to know, lol just kidding. I'm six feet tall, twenty six years young, single, I have my bachelor's degree and I started my battle with obesity when (oh hell I don't even remember its been so long). But all that bibliographical information aside, what you need to know is that I'm on a never ending journey, and although it may look like it's a simple weight-loss journey to the naked eye, it is SO much more. Weight-loss is only the name for it.
I've been a 'plus size' woman for the entirety of my adult life and I'm here to show you that you don't have to limit what you can do at whatever your size may be. A body is a body, whether you've got rolls or whether you've got ribs, it is your temple. You live in your body everyday and you should treat it with the respect it deserves! It has taken, and still takes an everyday reminder for me to realize this. Your body is a part of your soul, and if your soul isn't happy then you have to fix it.  There is no giving up, only moving forward.

Now, on to the nitty-gritty.

I will be going over EVERYTHING throughout this weight-loss journey. My feelings, my goals, my shortcomings, and everything people DON'T want to talk about. You'll see pictures, videos, embarrassing angles and raw emotion. You. Will. See. It. ALL.
I want to show and tell you exactly how this journey works.
  • Embarrassing situations
  • Foodie problems
  • Dating (psshhh what's that?) lol
  • 'Fat Shaming'
  • Working out
 These are some of the topics I will discuss apart from everyday journaling.

You may get bored, you may get sick, you may even get offended but I'm here to share my story from my point of view and perhaps it will serve as an inspiration to others as so many have inspired me.

Cheers to a new healthy life! 

"Everyday is a struggle, but not everyday ends in failure." -Angel Z.

Follow me lovebugs!

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